Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Rocking Horse

About 2 weeks ago as I was listening to the Nectar of Devotion class, part of our Bhakti Shastri program, the topic of discussion was Mercy. How without Mercy we cannot go anywhere in our spiritual life.

Mercy according to webster's is: A blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion.

Mercy comes in many ways, we only have to recognize it. My mind was conjuring up images of a stationary rocking horse and a swift steed...

I mounted the horse gingerly,

Adjusting my boots and hat

The horse was colorful and enchanting.

I thought I would gallop past hills and vales

Filled with bright flowers that danced and swayed

All I could see was my garden;

With yellow dandelions and grass so green.

Along came Guru and Vaisnavas

Swinging the wand of MERCY

Singing the Mantra for Freedom

The rocking horse so shiny,

Transformed into a sturdy steed

With a lustrous mane and a powerful gait

First he trotted, then he ran, then he galloped

To a faraway land,

Filled with enchanting sights

I dared not breathe but held on tight

It was clear that he was headed for Krishnaland!

Had I not received such mercy

I would be still rocking

Not moving an inch I would be standing still

Such is the mercy of Guru and Vaisnavas,

Who accelerate our journey by leaps and bounds

Taking us to a land where peace abounds.