Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Chowka or Tribhanga?

On Janmasatami last year, one mataji asked me if I could dress her Radha Madan Mohan, after the abhishek. I happily agreed, but it soon struck me that I had only been used to dressing Jagannath Baladev,Subhadra, Gaura Nitai and Narsimhadeva and never Radha Krishna. When I dress Jagannath, it feels so wonderful, especially the big Jagannath, I literally walk into His arms to garland Him or to tie the loose ends of His outfit.However, when it comes to offering Tulasi, i have to place it on His chest and cannot physically offer Him anklets, which is my favorite seva. With Madan Mohan the experience was different, I did not know how to place His flute, struggled with His garland and sweated with tying His turban. Radharani was more merciful and it was easier to dress Her. Somehow they tolerated my offenses and got ready. I continued the seva of Lord Jagannatha but was always missing Srimati Radharani.I missed Radharani at the temples back in South India and even when I visited Srinathji for Darshan during the monthly Sunday feast cooking seva, i felt my darshan was incomplete without Srimati Radharani. After my recent visit to North Carolina, where I saw the inspiring seva to Radha Krishna deities at various devotees homes, I was inspired to take up service of Sri Radha Krishna. HH Mahanidhi Swami mentions in a class that while Jagannath is served by Sabaras, Radha Krishna are served by qualified devotees, though in both cases, Krishna accepts only the offering of love and devotion. So, here I was serving Jagannatha for almost 10 years now, yet my mind was restless. I was thinking:
Chowka or Tribhanga?
What A Fool I am
I can't see The Three Fold Bending Form,
Can't see the flute in Your arm.
Can't see Radharani embraced at Your chest,
Nor theTulasi and anklets on Your lotus feet.
 Sri Radha Madana Mohan

Sri Radha Madan Mohan and Sri Radha Vrindavan Chandra
Though I could understand Viraha is the highest form of Prema, I wanted desperately to serve Srimati Radharani. On one hand I wanted to serve Her and on the other hand I felt totally disqualified for such seva. So I let it to destiny that if i were qualified to serve Them as a couple They would come. The following week, we were at a housewarming, and one of the devotees casually mentioned that she was going to India. Immediately I asked her "What about your deities, who is going to take care of Them- Radha Vrindavanchandra?" She said that she was going to make Them sleep while she was away. My mind said "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread!" but my heart spoke up and I asked her, "Can I serve Them for the one month you are away?" She agreed to the offer..So here was my chance to serve Sri Jagnnatha and Sri Radha Vrindavanchandra. It was one blissful month of seva and what more auspicious month than the Purusottama month...I braided Radharani's hair and decorated it with jewelry and flowers. Placed pan in her hand to offer to Vrindavanchandra and enjoyed every bit of my seva to Them.

Srinathji and Srimati Radhika-(This picture is from someone's collection on Facebook)
I guess i was quite desperate to seek answers and around the same time I borrowed a magazine by Gopaljiu publications- The hidden Identity of Lord Jagannath and as I read each article, especially the poem by Madhavi Mahiti, the sister of Sikhi mahiti and a close associate of Lord Caitanya I could understand the Lord I was serving much better. My heart still yearns to serve Srimati Radhika, but I now serve Jagannath with a renewed understanding that He is the beloved of Srimati Radharani.My understanding was further deepened when i attended a program at upstate New York where HH Dhanurdhara Maharaja introduced Shyam Das Prabhu of the Vallabh Sampradaya to the audience. He went on to sing Madhurastakam explaining that since Radha and Krishna are non different, the Madhurastakam is applicable to both...

Whether *Chowka or Tribhanga, the Lord is never separated from Srimati Radhika for a second and is the very same Vrajendranandana Krishna. Whether Chowka or Tribhanga I pray that I always be situated in loving service to Them. I will post more pictures of Radha Vrindavan Chandra whenever i upload them from my phone.. But will leave you with 2 verses of the poem of Sri Madhavi Mahiti which lifted the cloud of doubt covering my understanding....
* Chowka and Tribhanga are two basic postures used in Odissi dance. The square masculine stance representing Jagannath and Tribhanga  representing the three fold bending form of Krishna
Radha the Beloved of Jagannath
-Madhavi Devi
This poignant song shows that Madhavi Devi saw her beloved Lord Jagannath as Shyamasundar Krishna, the beloved of Srimati Radharani.

Sri-nanda-nandana se jaga-bandana
Candana carchita anga
Sakshat vrajendra kumära sehari
Niladri -bhavya vibhava

The darling son of Nanda,
He is adored by the whole world.
His body is decorated and worshipped
With fragrant sandalwood paste.
The handsome young son of Braja,
Hari is the sweetest treasure of Niladri.

Pahuda kälare prema romäncare
Radhä näma ange jade
Prema pulakare gajadantavara
Palanke thänti pahudi

As he retires for the night,
The name of Radha, he holds close to his heart
In tight embrace, full of amorous excitement.
Thrilled with love’s passionate ecstasy,
He sleeps on the bedspread decorated with ivory
                                                                    TRIBHANGA KRISHNA