Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mahatma Gandhi and Jagannath

It was a windy morning on Sunday, 2 October 2011. Sri Jagannath Baladev and Subhadramayi went on Their last Rathayatra of the year. The Destination was Queens Village, New York...As usual whether its someone's birthday, wedding anniversary or any other occasion, the devotees sneaked in the element of Krishna Consciousness by holding a Rathayatra along with the Mahatma Gandhi Peace March that was being held to commemorate the Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, father of the nation of India. While the crowds celebrated the peace march with a band and music and dance, the devotees reached out to the crowds with their exhilarating Kirtan. As the words " Gauranga, Gauranga GAURANGA" pounded the air, some people stood rooted to the sidewalk, others smiled and swayed slightly. Still others jumped into the kirtan in feigning enthusiasm. Jagannath Baladev and Subhadra, the most merciful forms of the Lord seemed to enjoy Their day out at Queens.
A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries.
Bhagavad Gita 5.29
The devotees hoped to achieve just this, by distributing wonderful prasadam. The people gathered assumed that they were free from oppression, but freedom from the pangs of material miseries, beginning with the body and the senses is not easy unless one can reflect deeply on the cause of suffering and the ways to get out of it. Srila Prabhupada mentions in the purports of the 3 Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, that as long as creation exists, preaching will go on side by side to guide and connect the lost souls to Krishna. We pray to become instruments in this mission.
Here are some pictures of the Rathayatra......