Saturday, February 21, 2009

Few hours in the Spiritual world.

I could not get to participate much in the kirtan program at the home of the Ravals (NY), but got some pictures of the Annakut and their home deities. It was simultaneously like being in Vrindavan with the Annakut festival, in Mayapur with the Sankirtan and in Jagannath Puri with all the prasadam. Here are some pictures.

The Altar

Sri Sri Radha Vasant Bihari

Gaura Nitai .

They need no intro...

The Annakut

Our Jagannath Baladev and Giriraj Shilas, The Guests of honor.

My Offering to Giriraja and the two brothers.

After the feast- Giriraja still eyeing the offerings.


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